Friday, March 12, 2010


More waiting while the shop is dragging their feet in repairing my transmission.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Before taking the mini on the road for the first time, i had to test out the brakes and correct a few of the loose fittings and hoses I didnt get right the first time. Good thing I did ge tthe brakes working, because the car is outrageously fast. It was hard not to burn up the tires in any gear.

It was a great feeling to drive the car home after 2 years of work.

Unfortunately the fun didnt last long. After only one week, I got tired of the ultra-short transmission gearing and took the tranny back to have the gears changed (after 5 hours of work pulling the entire frame, motor, and trans). I will also be ordering a custom final drive. It turns out i was given a B16 transmission (with 4.4 final drive) instead of an integra LS transmission (4.27 fd). After calculating the ratios, I would like to get a final drive with a 3.4 or even 3.2 ratio, which would get the freeway rpms close to 3000 at 70mph. I cant believe no other honda - mini swappers have looked into this. it seems ridiculous to be buzzing around at super high rpms on the street.

There are a few good gear calculators posted online, found them by searching "honda gear calculator"

I also made some calculations based on the 165/70R10 yokohama tires having 1074 revolutions per mile and the honda gear ratios as follows:
Y21 Del Sol B16 Transmission- 5th gear .848 - Final drive 4.4
S80/Y80 Integra LS Trans - 5th gear .714 - Final drive 4.27

Now im waiting to get the transmission back, then removing the final drive to have a custom one made.